Mang Doel |
It was my final culinary tour in Cirebon. Me and my family decided to went to Nasi Jamblang Mang Doel. Its located beside Grage Mall exactly at Cipto Street. It had been known well since a long time. If you wanted to eat Nasi Jamblang you must try this. Mang Doel Opened everyday from morning until night. When we came to Mang Doel, it was only little buyer. Usually Mang Doel always crowded with a lot of people who wanted to eat Nasi Jamblang. I ordered Nasi Jambal with fried sambal, tempe, and berkedel. If you wanted different menus, you could took a lot of menus. In Nasi Jamblang rice was different with another rice because it was covered by teak leaves and made the rice more tasteful, durable, and the smell change like teak leaves.
The history of Nasi Jamblang was started when Hindia Goverment under Deandels made a road from Anyer to Panarukan. When the worker past Cirebon, someone had an idea to cover the rice by teak leafs. Before the rice covered by teak leaves, it was covered by banana leaves and it made the rice was not durable to use for workers and made the rice became stale. But, if the rice was covered by teak leafs the rice became tasty and durable for a long time.
In Cirebon there were many Nasi Jamblang seller, but only Mang Doel had a original taste and matching with the price. I only paid Rp. 10.000 for those menus with two portion of rice. I recommend you to try Nasi Jamblang Mang Doel if you visit Cirebon.
A lot of menus you can choose |
My Nasi Jamblang |
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