In the second day of my holiday, when i got up from my bedroom i found kerupuk melarat with sambal. Maybe you didn't know about kerupuk melarat and why its named k
Kerupuk Melarat with Sambal |
erupuk melarat? Okey, first i would tell to you what kerupuk melarat was. Kerupuk melarat is one of the traditional food from cirebon. Kerupuk melarat is served by adding sour sauce. This food usually eaten in the dry season, in addition to increasing appetite can also raise morale. Tapioca flour was the basic material, with a inregular shape and variety of colors, including pink, yellow, white, and green. This color also made from safe food coloring. Melarat in Cirebonese means poor. Because according to the history of this food, a long time ago this food only consumed by poor people in Cirebon because the price was cheap. But now, this food was consumed by all people not only poor people also reach people. This food wasn't cooked by fried cooking oil, but the wear of sand that has been cleaned first, which through the process of drying and screening. We knew as 'sangrai'. You didn't need to make your kerupuk melarat. You could buy this food in the traditional market. But you must make your own sambal.
In this morning, my mother cooked for me delicious 'sambal dage' for my kerupuk melarat. With a cup of coffe, i enjoyed my second morning in this holiday. See you in the next my coulinary tour :)
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